The only thing I caught was a giant amount of debt! Trust me I rather have caught the holy boot. I am having a terrible time paying off my student loans... I am leaning heavily on my family to help me with my burdens. It was a terrible mistake to take out so many school loans... I wish I had known better- I wish I knew more about how to manage my loans. I made the biggest mistake of my life by not applying for scholarships and going to a school that costs so much-when really a degree is a degree at the end of the day.
Another mistake I made was not researching the school that I went to more closely. I thought that I was going to get an MFA in Interior Design but then after spending 3 years at this school I only received a post-bachalorette certificate. I did the same amount of work if not more then I would have if I had gone to a school that would have given me a masters degree.
Yet, another mistake I made was to apply for random loans instead of the same loan... so now I have about 5 different loans which I have extreme difficulty keeping track of, mainly in part because the loans that I got about 5 years ago have been bought out by other loan venders etc. etc... On top of all of this, when I call to consolidate my loans the operator some how always seems to say that I can not consolidate because of this reason or that... which at the end of the day just confuses me more.
To make matters worse I have taken out these loans with my mother as a co-signer, which has put her in a tricky situation. I have to keep track of these loans and stay on top of them, or she will be punished for it. I have dragged my poor mother into all of this mess- If I don't pay my loans in time, her perfect credit will be hurt- something that I will never forgive myself for. This is why, she now needs to help me pay them off. You would have thought she was investing in something... but no, I haven't been able to return any of the money, or lavish her in gifts as much as I want to. (If I ever do get out on top, I would pay off all of my loans, and then buy off my moms house, and give my mom flying lessons... something she has always wanted to do. )
So many mistakes- the worst of which was going to college with out any idea of what I wanted to be in the first place. I started off as a graphic design major, which was a good major to go into, but then when the going got tough, I quit, and switched for an easier route into the painting world, which was a completely useless major, for someone that has no drive or desire to market herself.
So now at the age of 28 I sit here working retail ,making 10 an hour struggling to pay my loans, my rent, and not saving a cent to my name. I cling for dear life to my job which has little to do with my dream and while I sit here waiting on customers, my Interior Design knowledge slowly leaks out and fades away. I have lost so much of my confidence with designing floor plans in CAd and drawing 3D renderings. The competition to get a job in an interior design firm is fierce seeing as most of the interior design veterans have been laid off and are now in competition with me to get into a firm. Most people will admit that I might have a better chance- seeing as I have brand new knowledge of some of the best software and I am most up to date on new materials- however, most firms will only take people with experience- which is something that I have not been granted yet. I have wise ones in my life saying, "it's not what you know, it's WHO you know"... well, who are these people and where do I meet them?
To make matters even more difficult and confusing I have been wandering my sites onto other opportunities such as mural painting, bartending, equestrian instruction, swim instruction, and even other retail ventures... I have dabbled in so many things in my life that I can't seem to chose what my dream really is. I wish I could open a school for random people that want a random life... or create a major in "random" meaning you do everything, and anything you like. Then you work for a company that lets you chose which random job you would like to do for the week! How fun, would that be in my little Seus World?
On a more serious note though, I have always wanted to have a riding academy. This- hands down is my number one choice. I started riding when I was 8 years old, and got the horse bug early on. I have always wanted to be an equestrian- yet, to be a successful equestrian you must have lot's of money, which was not something that I was born with- so this was only given to me as a hobby,( even though if I had been trained with the best, I'm sure I would have been one of the best). I had so much of the bug in school that I based my senior thesis on building an equine riding academy for underprivileged children. Perfect really- (I still pat myself on the back for that glorious idea)... I got to use my interior design knowledge and look at fun horse stuff, and research equine building codes... I was in LOVE with this- and can't wait to design and build my own stable one day... and better yet, what if... no, what if?! Someone actually hired me to build their barn? This one thought get's me so charged up and excited- yet, I immediately dismiss this because I don't have any construction knowledge, I would need to work for a what? A FIRM- that can guide me, and use my advise and knowledge of horses to HELP build the perfect barn... this is where my problem lies.. along with so many other stupid little detailed factors that I could easily bumble my way out of, if I had some balls.
Anyway, lets dismiss the horse job and move onto ideal job number two. My painting background. I would have loved to have done something with this... I was always painting tromp-loi scenes in my bedroom, and have even been hired to do some scenes- which was very gratifying, yet to do this I would have to market myself, and be a self starter, which when you'r competing against a printing company that can stick a poster size sticker on your wall - I'm afraid this is a fading art. So... I have fantasized this job to be the hobby while I run a horse farm... I would have a small art studio where I would paint everything and anything, and then I would have them framed and would drop them off at the local gallery, where they would sell for hundreds- or... (thousands?) yet- this is being too positive. Why would people want my kincade whimsical looking art? I mean I graduated art school with my professors telling me to never give up- and to focus on finding a technique- one that was my own, because at the moment, I can paint in any style, I can copy any artist, and I like them all- it's random, it's not cohesive, and non of it say's "Liz Aaron painted this"... so this is a department that needs to mature a little before setting off to the galleries... but don't worry, I will be working on this again one day soon. Again, this is a luxury hobby- something that needs lot's of money up front- and doesn't always give back in a nice way.
Moving on to potential job number 3 would be...teaching. I have taught swimming over the summer while life-guarding, and found this to be a rewarding experience, and also a very good paying job. I was able to get my own clients, and even worked at a swim school for a little while... but I flaked out and couldn't handle the cold water for so many hours. Silly I know, but when I get cold, there is nothing worse then feeling physically annoyed and trying to concentrate on a student that needs your full attention.
I'm jumping around a lot, so let's go to job number four which would be Bartending, this deserves a small story. I didn't apply myself very much in my early 20's- I had and still have very little self-esteem which I recognize and am working on now... so my only answer was to go back to school. while figuring out which major I would do, I needed to pass the time, so I went to a 6 week bartending school- which cost 800 bucks... yet again, I graduated with a certificate, learned a lot, and never got a job- because I didn't have any confidence to serve drinks to people...So, I found small gigs here and there doing catering, which was perfect...while I looked for my next would also serve as something to fall back on in case I ever became desperate for money... (like now) ...After I failed myself at bartending , I applied for grad-school -with my idea being this... , 3 years to figure out what I'm going to do with myself. Perfect, AND! I don't have to pay back my school loans! AND! I will get a really good job when I'm done, because I will have an amazing resume. Hence, Interior Design it was, and to top it off, I thought interior design was decorating, two very different things... you should have seen my face at my first materials and construction class...
Wow, how wrong I was... what a mistake! I went from having 15,000 in school loans to 85,000 in school loans with about 5,000 of that being interest- such a stupid girl I was/still am... what a stupid mistake... I could have just found a job as a bartender, painted, and rode horses and I would have been set for life. Who cares if I was a nobody doing side jobs for the rest of my life...
I would have saved myself a lot of money, and could have by now started to save up money- and then when I had a small cottage, and a few horses and a business of my own, THEN I should have gone back to school for something big and amazing. So much money for someone that has no confidence or drive to be something amazing.
This is such a pitiful story I tell- yet, through all of these wrong turns, I feel that I can talk to anyone about art, animals, athletics, music, teaching... which makes me not the most boring person in the world. At least I have interests... I have tried almost everything including the violin- which I played all the way up to freshman year of college... I have climbed all 46 mountains in the Adirondack region, I even tried modeling swimsuits... I pride myself on trying new things, everything is an adventure, and I suppose making a lot of money has never been a huge dream for me, however being happy, and doing something I love for a living is a dream. Especially now. I may have no confidence left, I have made every mistake in the book, but I believe in the saying, "only the strongest shall survive" and I believe I am one of those people. You could dump me off in the middle of a forest in the middle of the winter, and I would find my way out BY MYSELF... not many people can do this. Maybe my problem is that I try too hard to fit in with society, I try to do the right thing, I try to make money to live, when really I should do what I do best and keep making mistakes till I find the answer I'm looking for? After so many wrong turns there has to be a right- I know this happens in nature- it's bound to happen to me some day. I know from my mistakes that I need to work at least 50% harder, I need to think harder about my decisions for the future. I need to focus on one thing at a time. I need to make a choice even though it may not be permanent, it may lead to the next right turn. THEN once this one thing falls into place, I can ADD all the other ventures onto it...but only once it stabilizes.. This is why idiots sometimes are the smartest people you know- they were walking mistakes, holding a future answer that worked.