Monday, July 15, 2013

House warming party/ Garden Party.

That was dress number two that was hanging up, so hot and sticky.
This weekend we had our House warming party. We have lived here for a year.... time flies. It rained on and off for most of the day and was really sticky and humid. I was happy to see so many came. I wasn't surprised to see that most of my "friends" that said they were coming didn't show up.

 It was a nice day anyway, and I ended up really noticing which people in my life matter. All of the hubsters family came, and then all of my family came except my brother who never answered his phone when the rest of the family went to pick him up. What a disappointment that was. It's pretty typical of him... he likes to stay away from large gatherings with humans. But still... what a douche bag.  I should probrobly call him to make sure he's not dead in his apartment before going off on a rant. So, he's off the hook for now....

My other brother played the guitar that my dad brought, and that was nice. The food was a huge hit, almost all of it went. All of the wine and beer went. I thought for sure I had gone overboard when planning for his party, but it turned out to be the perfect amount.

We let Watts stay up to watch the fireworks that were going to happen over the lake. I didn't know what to expect. We had front row seats. It was incredible. They were huge, it didn't rain, and Watts cried through the whole thing, refused to look at the fireworks, and kept asking me to take him inside. Which was annoying because I wanted to watch the fireworks. Thankfully Brad who is a God sent with children offered to take him inside for me. When I asked Watts if he had fun playing with his friends, he spoke of Brad being the best as well as Granny. Brad is in his mid 20's, and was really patient with Watts. Luke and I often become frustrated with people because they watch Watts or James for 5 minutes and then come back without our kids... and dump them onto other people. Brad played with watts for almost the whole party. I tried to hire him as my manny, but he said he already had a job.

I even gave out a few bareback pony rides in extreme mud, and let everyone pet my chicken. How many parties have that going on?

Anyway, it helped distract me from my problems and rebooted my system. I was surrounded by people that loved us as a family, and made feel truly blessed to have good people in my life. On Sunday I cancelled my facebook account and am already feeling the benefits of it. I feel protected, less exposed, and safe from people. The only downside of leaving facebook is it was the only window I had to my family members in England. It was a fast way of letting my mom know what her nieces and nephews were up to, or a good heads ups that a birthday was coming, or a new person was born... etc.

I have chosen a few new people in the area to really focus my attention to... I'm not great at having a lot of friends, and I like to have just a few close friends, and I think I found two girls that I really get along with well, and seem to be good people. So... family, friends, health will bring happiness.

As for health, I'm trying to stay away from alcohol, and cigarettes. I don't even care about the health risks of cigarettes, I'm more concerned that they cost almost $6-$9 a pack now. Which is insane. It's a complete rip off, and I rather put that money towards my horses. So I'm feeling a little better, and that is saying a lot seeing as it is Monday... and Mondays are always the worst. Also, I'm happy to say that I can eat ehatever I want right now... due to the stress of losing work, I have dropped down to 108 lbs.... the stress is eating away at me... so I'm eating hotdogs, ice cream, and burgers till I get back up to 110.

And so that was my weekend.
Pet my chicken!

Regina should be a petting zoo chicken. She loves people.

Watts gets a wagon ride

The fireworks in our backyard

My friends little girl loved the chicken too

Hot as balls, but people were staying outside!

Granny and James

Watts drew this of the chicken

showing off the girls

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I really like the chicken Watts drew!!
