Monday, March 11, 2013

Great Danes in the Waiting Room

My Aunt has a friend that is a veterinarian that appreciated my "Space Cats" cartoon. She asked me to do something Vet related. When I think of a Veterinarian Office; I had this image in my head.

My step mom has a thing for Great Danes, and my dad gets to take care of them. They are very large dogs, with a big heart, with no concept of their body size. Great Danes like to sit on furniture like humans. A lot of times they will try to sit on your lap. They are love machines that think they are the size of cat's.

One time I was house sitting and I had to take my step dog Lucy (or as I liked to call her Lucifer) to the Vet. She had a bad fever... and knew the minute we got into the Vet office where she was.... My favorite part about vet offices are the floors. Slippery for long toe nailed animals... Lucy was ice skating all over the place, legs going everywhere as she frantically tried to turn around to get out the door.... I had to sit on the ground to calm her down... while she tried to hide under the chair, to no avail... she then tried to clamber into my lap... that didn't work, so she eventually kicked me out of my seat and just sat in the chair,  while people AND their animals looked at me like I was nuts.

I would also like to add that when a dog has anxiety- they pant.... hard. I walked out of the office completely covered in shoelace slobber and burns on my hands from holding the leash. It was not a good day for either of us.

This is a good example of how a Great Dane sits on furniture. They are ridiculous animals. 

Here is a picture of Lucy on the sofa.. she was a naughty girl that ate a whole bag of bread. I just got done  telling her that she was "in big trouble" so she ran for protection and hid under the sheet on the sofa. You couldn't leave anything out on the counters... she would casually walk by, turn her head, grab the bag- and run. Argh.. what a pain she was. 

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