Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Farewell Blue

What a terrible day I just had. Nothing amazing happened. I was in a blah state all day. Four o'clock rolls around and I'm eating a handful of dark chocolate morsels cause it was that sort of mood I was in... and I'm just sorta looking into the chicken coop and see an odd bird in there. Who is that? Who the hell is that in my coop? That's not a chicken. I bet it's that damn Hawk again... must be... he's eating on something. Dammit.

I trudge out in my slippers.... sure enough that asshole of a hawk is sitting there like a zombie eating the face of my baby blue laced wyandotte! Blue is dead... that stupid f*cker of a hawk.

Sorry... excuse my language. I am typing this after one glass of red wine. I'm feeling a little looser than normal.

Anyway, no tears. Nope. not going to happen this time. I'm just angry. I've had enough of this shit. I'm going to get the gun and shoot that mother in the face, see how he likes it. Don't care that it's illegal. I hate this damn bird.

Blast... he's flown off trying to carry my headless baby... drops it a good ten feet off the ground, it thumps....to the ground. Oh whats the point. Just eat her...

I'm furious. I go out and close off half the coop. I grabbed some Shepard's hooks and threw them in there to hold up some netting which I have none of.

The coop looks crazy. I have plastic fence as a roof now so that ASSHOLE of a bird can't kill the rest of my family.


Anyway.... I tried to calm down by going to the barn. I got out little miss pony Raven that I am training momentarily.

Of course the ring is a swamp from the snow and rain. I tried to use the indoor. Raven was not liking it, and just acted like a jerk the whole time. I took two steps back in the training process from frustration. Never work with a horse when your heart isn't in it. My heart is a little broken to be honest. The next bird to go will be Fluffy or Rogue. They are my next favorite.... There I said it... jinxed it... go ahead hawk.. I know your reading this shit. Go and kill all of my friends.

I'm done....
This day sucked.
Farewell Blue, I loved you.

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