Friday, February 15, 2013

All before

It started at 6:45 am. Yesterday I went to go and get my mom and bring her with me to my house because she had some teeth pulled. My two year old loves his granny and shows her love by acting like a little monster. He throws tantrums, abuses the rules, and gets away with murder... I have to turn a blind eye because grand parents are supposed to spoil their grand kids. Only... my kids take advantage of the situation.

Anyway, last night Watts would not go to bed. "Granny Granny Granny" he kept calling, and like a sucker she goes up there and tries to get him to go to sleep. Normally we just tell him to go to bed and he does it or else. I hear her reading to him and trying her best... till she comes downstairs and announces that she will be taking him to bed with her because that's what he wants to do. "Good luck with that" is my only response. I would never want to sleep with a toddler, they are hot torture devices that punch you in the face or private parts every 5 minutes.

Anyway, a few hours later I'm off to bed, and not a peep is to be heard... I guess he went to sleep.

6:45 am.

blah blah muffle muffle... noise. Coming from upstairs in grannies room. He's up and chit chatting away....I immediately feel sorry for her.

7:30 am. They are up... and I guess so am I now. Along with James... the day is starting early.
7:31 am. First tantrum. He won't get dressed.. and is running around naked.
7:35 am. He is now on top of the washing machine naked and is getting yelled at by me, which makes the tantrum worse.
7:45 am. Second tantrum. He wont sit in his high chair.
8:00 am. Third Tantrum. He's run into a door while trying to run from the high chair.
8:30 am. He's in trouble because he was laying on top of his baby brother.

It goes on and on and on...

Turns out he didnt sleep last night. He kept waking up every 5 minutes.

Granny goes to let my girls (chickens) out of their house and comes back and asks if it is normal for one of them to be trapped in the strawberry patch.
"What?!" Martha is running back and forth under the net of the strawberry patch... she's been there all night and we had a frost. I go running out and get her... she's very upset... clicking and chatting at me telling me about her night..."and how animals tried to get her, and how she couldnt see, and why didnt I notice her in the patch?, and she's hungry and thirsty"... took me a while to get her to calm down

Go back into the house...
Watts is riding around on grannies back screaming "Ride em Cowboy"  things seem ok. Poor woman... she has a broken back and here is jumping up and down on her. Oh well she is having fun I think.

Back to the computer...

The hubster gets an angry email telling him to count the chickens before locking them in...

but then.
more noise... more tantrums...
The tantrum turns into a complete shit storm... I have lost complete control, and the only way to gain it back is to do an emergency nap.

Warm bottle of milk... and a nap at 9:30 am.
James went off for his nap and now I can write this blog.
You single people take this all for granted.
Poor granny- her face is throbbing from getting her teeth pulled and has to deal with my horrible temper, my horrible screaming kids... and now she feels guilty that this is all her fault.
It's not her fault.
This is what a two year old does.
Especially when you take him off his schedule.

Naked Watts on top of the washing machine first thing in the morning.  
Riding Granny like a cowboy. 

poor granny exhausted at 10 am. I feel so bad for her. 

1 comment:

  1. Rexie read this with me, and he is so grateful that he didn't have to visit your house right after he had HIS teeth extracted. Give your Mom a hug from me. I hope her mouth heals up as nicely as Rexie's has.
